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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-12-04 21:19:11


Scattered in the early morning of the rain on my face, whether can stay on your clothes.

Be kept walking in the country, feel the fresh air.Yesterday has quietly leave, leave me alone in situ disappointed.Lost foam in the water of the company of the fish, you today is the starting point or a destination.Life on the road has many twists and turns, hardships, have you raise the sail of the ship of our youth, jing waves, reef any chances.

The fish are frolicking in the play, because it need water to the growth of company.Goshawk is yearned for the blue of the sky, because it will soar to further, TaoQian review its capacity of the knee, because growth bright flower in his heart.

Watched the ripples in the water kept to spread around, it's a pity that the clouds in the sky has dissipated.Between may look back, found that between youth road near at hand.I did not have the heart of the calm hot finally fame fortune nor peep valley forget the attachment.Because of my youth development is needed.

If life is a lush trees, the youth is a steady stream of suck up moisture from the underground stems;If life is a thick book, the youth is a book of words;If the life is very clear and bright moon in the moon, then life is dotted with stars.

I don't have "princes will ning have a kind of" the sound of questioning, also have no "dirt when high position" of the bitterness of love, only in the way of the youth, passionate, create brilliant tomorrow.

When the roar of the wind stopped it, seawater its HunXiong temporarily, everything is just resting.Ruthless years, however, are reluctant to take it as worship children from my side slip away.After I found, it had all the whole mess.But I just smile.Because in my youth the road, I have learned to control direction.

If without the kite line, is to grasp the direction of the couldn't come.City spring grass, ants will be uprooted.On the way of youth, I no longer feel confused.Because I have found that youth is a wonderful music, and I will be with one magnificent symphony.

The evening sunset on my clothes, it will be scattered in your face.


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